An Open Letter to Rahul Gandhi
Dear Shri Rahul,
have, in the past few weeks, been hopping across places sharing the distress
with the farmers and showing concerns on their suicides. It is, indeed,
important for those in public life to reach out to the people and especially
when you are in the opposition. Let me make it clear, at the outset, that I am
not yet among those who have turned cynical to all such political activities.
On the contrary, I still believe
that changes are not only inevitable but are possible in the lives of
individuals and more so in those in public life. In other words, like it
happened in the life of Jawaharlal
Nehru, your great grand-father whose life from a rich kid with a law degree
whose father had a flourishing legal practice was transformed into one who
dared incarceration in the cause of independence. He could have inherited his
father’s briefs and even flourished as a lawyer; but he refused to do that and
if I am right, wore the black gown only once and that was to defend the INA
soldiers charged by the British legal regime of treason.
It is, hence, that I thought of
conveying a few things to you with regard to the crisis in the farm sector and
hoping to see you transform and in the course of such a transformation help
bring about a change in the lives of those who feed us even in this age where
everything is sought to be done in the virtual world.
The point I want to make here is
that it is not the first time in history that the farmers have faced a crisis
of the kind they are facing now. The peasant in our own history (as well as in
the history of all societies) had been exploited and this is a fact ever since
agriculture was transformed from being an activity for subsistence into an
activity for trade. In other words, the coming of the market and trade exposed
the sector to externalities and the earliest crisis in that context led to
Ricardo describing as the Primary Accumulation of Capital. Karl Marx joined
issues with Ricardo and compared this with the `original sin’ as in the
biblical tradition. The so called Primitive Accumulation of Capital, is a
chapter in Capital Volume 1 and unveils the violence and the sinful way in
which the peasantry was dispossessed during the Enclosure Movement in England.
This approach to land as property
and commodity was at the base of the colonial governments policy over land and
agriculture in India. The peasantry was forced into cultivating crops such as
Indigo and Cotton, whenever the textile industry in Manchester and Lancashire
wanted that and they were forced to sell their produce cheap or sometimes dump
it according to the vagaries of the metropolis. The peasants were forced into
debts in the course of this (what historians call the commercialization of
agriculture) and when they were forced to dump their produce, they landed in a
debt crisis.
It should be easy to comprehend
that the crisis in the farm sector we are now witnessing has a lot in common
with that the great grand-fathers of the present generation of farmers are
facing today. If it was colonial some two hundred years ago (when the Deccan
peasant was lured into shifting to cotton because the American Civil War had
disrupted supply of raw cotton bales to the European textile industry) the
neo-colonial context has led to the same consequence even while the cause may
be the shift to GM seeds and crop failure for reasons that we may not get into
But then, there is indeed a
substantive difference in the manner in which the great grand-fathers of
present day farmers responded. In the Deccan, they rose in revolt, setting fire
to the buildings where the titles to their lend (that were pledged by them when
they took loans from money lenders) were preserved and the money lenders were
attacked. In North Bengal, around the same time, the farmers who were forced
into indigo cultivation and left at the mercy of the planters revolted too.
They set fire to the factories and attacked the planters. Bankim Chandra
Chatterjee, whose Vande Mataram turned into a battle cry, captured the
insurgency that had rocked the tracts of Bengal in the wake of a famine and the
challenge these posed to the colonial administration. Such examples from our
history, are many and let me leave it here as such.
It was this tradition of insurgency
that Mahatma Gandhi could invoke and put to use in Champaran, where the
impoverished peasants stirred into revolt. Champaran and Kheda were the
template on which the mighty struggle against colonialism was conducted
subsequently. The lessons learnt from this laboratory – let me insist that it
includes the glorious tradition of the Deccan Riots, the Indigo Riots and such
insurgencies across the country culminating in Champaran and Kheda in 1917-18)
that went into the making of your great grand-father’s transformation into a
leader of the masses.
His contribution to the making of
the Karachi resolution in 1931, when the peasants and other such sections of
our people were brought into the core agenda of the Indian National Congress, led
him to push the movement to draft the Congress’ Agrarian Programme in the
1930s. All these, you may note, influenced the making of what is known among
historians as the Nehru-Mahalanobis model and the post-independence economic
policies. You will have to concede now that your own Prime Ministers acted
against this principle and exposed the farmer, once again, to similar pressures
as did the colonial regime. The Neo-liberal policies that you and your party
were pushing since 1991 are behind the current crisis.
It may be argued that you were not
involved, directly, in pushing such policies through. Those were times when you
were in school and then in college before entering public life. It is also
possible for you to transform yourself, at least now, when you can not only
afford to but also will have to. In that event, it is imperative for you to
embolden yourself to admit that your perspective then was based on incorrect
reading of the situation. Your great grand-father did that when he realized his
idea of India while writing his autobiography (in 1934) had changed
significantly between 1935 and 1937, thanks to his exposure travelling into the
villages across the country campaigning for the Indian National Congress in the
provincial elections during that period. IIn other words, you may spend some
time reading all that your great grand-father wrote by way of letters to his
daughter, i.e. your grand-mother. Incidentally, your mother enjoys the
copyright for these publications now!
This will help you to evolve into a
leader and in the process the make a difference in the lives of the farmers. In
doing so, you will have to remind yourself that it is no use to present
yourself as their savior. Neither did your great grand-father try doing that
and more importantly his mentor, Mahatma Gandhi resisted that temptation and
even detested that idea. `Real Swaraj’ he stressed, `will come not by
acquisition of authority by a few, but by the acquisition of the 'capacity' by
all to resist authority, when abused’.
You may consider reminding the
farmers, whenever you decide to visit them, that they are the proud inheritors
of the legacy of the insurgencies in the Deccan, in Bengal and elsewhere and
that such acts by their own grand-parents had not only liberated them in their
own times but also the nation on August 15, 1947. You may remind them that they
may have died too. But then, they did not kill themselves but were killed while
fighting their oppressors.
I am marking a copy of this letter
to Sitaram Yechury, general secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
for the reason that many of these that have been raised are also relevant for
his party too.
Cc: Mr.Sitaram
Secretary, CPI(M)